Hey there, I'm Kaeden.

I'm a full stack software engineer that specializes in Typescript, Next.js, Tailwind, and SCSS. I have additional experience in Golang and general knowledge of devops. Additionally, I am skilled at web design and am the sole designer behind a large portion of my work.


Hive Profile Page

A beautiful profile page built for Hive Games using Next.js, Tailwind, and Framer Motion.


Hive Leaderboards

A responsive leaderboard page for Hive Games.


Skyblock Horizons

A unique landing page for Hive Games' upcoming MMORPG, built with Next.js and Tailwind.



A new landing page built for the recently open-sourced Chunker, built with Next.js and Tailwind.



A faithfully-designed mastery checklist for the game Warframe. Built with React and SCSS, using Firebase for hosting and Firestore as a database.

Let's get in touch!

You can DM me on Discord @kmur, or email me at